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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sri Sri's New Year Message

18592012 is passing rather very fast. Let us recapture!
When this year began, there was a lot of talk about 21 December 2012. There were rumors that the world is going to end. And there are many people who believe rumors; at least some people believe in rumors very strongly.
So people started hoarding food in their basements, waiting for the doomsday to fall.
I have always been saying that no such thing is going to happen.
Of course, this year we have seen many catastrophes, like almost every year. Maybe little more. US had a big catastrophe, Japan had problems, and there were problems in many other parts of the world as well; Nature’s fury.
At the same time the economic gloom, which people thought is going to really make the situation worse, was also managed. Still everything is working well. People are surviving. Of course things have to become better and it has started becoming better already.
This coming year, 2013, will be much better.
Time poses challenges, it
is for you to see how you
can benefit from these
challenges. Every time a
challenge is in front of
you, see how you can
make this challenge, an
opportunity for your own
growth. This is what you
need to do.
There is a big awareness in people today, towards the environment, towards the safety of women and children.
What we have been saying for so many years, today many people are waking up and saying, 'We need more human values, we want violence to go down.’
This year, let us all resolve to act for making a better society - a society free from violence, society free from crime and corruption, a society which is safe and just, and a world which is sustainable.
Most of all, we need to work towards spiritual elevation and spiritual awakening. And it will happen. In fact, it is already happening. More and more people are interested in spiritual awakening.
The Art of Living is going to make a big leap. This year we will be teaching two newKriyas, which will make people's lives much more joyful. People will feel so much more joyful, so much more dynamic, so much more committed, compassionate and creative.
Time poses challenges, it is for you to see how you can benefit from these challenges. Every time a challenge is in front of you, see how you can make this challenge, an opportunity for your own growth. How you can turn it and utilize it for your own growth. This is what you need to do.
As you are coming to the end of this year, think of all those challenges you had, and how they have contributed to your growth. Think of how you handled these challenges, and while handling them, what mistakes you made, and from those mistakes, what lessons did you infer. This is the first step.
Second, think of gifts that the past year has given to you; has brought to your life, and how you are going to utilize these gifts for the betterment of life on the planet.
See, everyone is bestowed with some or other talents, some or other gifts. You need to see how are you utilizing these talents.
Are you utilizing them at all? This is what you need to point out.
Plan for this year; in the next 12 months, what are you going to do every day?!
Everyday, do meditation. Once in every three to four months take some time off and go deeper into meditation and go into silence. At least once a year, you must meditate in silence (Advanced Course), and spend some time doing some good work for the society and for everybody on the planet.
Don't think only about yourself, but do some service activity. Then you will see that whatever you want for yourself, you ask and it will come to you.
You have to do something first, then when you ask, you will get.
If you say, ‘I want only for myself, I don't want to do anything’, no, that will not work. You should do some good work in society, bring smiles on the faces of people and gain some merit. If you bring smiles on the faces of others then you have a right to demand something for yourself. Do you see what I’m saying? This is real currency.
See, if you have money then you can go shopping. If you have no money, no credit card and you go shopping, who will give you anything? You need to have some bank balance first, isn't it? So, when you do seva, your bank balance goes up. Then when you ask for whatever it is that you want, you will get it.
You can buy the whole supermarket if you have enough points.
So let us resolve to do something good in society, and let us have the confidence that whatever we need will come to us; will be given to us.
Our wish will definitely be granted. When we wish something, it will be granted.
Time has come, voices
of the good people
will become stronger
now. Waves of
spirituality will start
transforming people.
Good times are there
in front of us.
Next, you need to be ready to learn new lessons in life.
Keep the cheer, the joy and smile throughout the journey of life. Got it?
See, everyone is walking. Some are yelling, crying and walking and some are smiling and walking.
Everybody is on a conveyor belt and the belt is moving. Some are crying, some are laughing, but the conveyor belt is anyway moving.
So, it is your choice, how do you want to move on this conveyor belt of time.
See, in a car, you have a rearview mirror, isn't it?!
You have a big windshield, and there is a small rearview mirror.
Just imagine if your car’s rearview mirror is as big as the windshield and windshield is as small as the rearview mirror, what will happen to you? Can you drive? No!
Your car can teach you a lesson. What is the lesson? You need to look back only a little bit, just like that little mirror.
The rearview mirror represents the past, and the present is the windshield. The future is like the side view mirrors. So, when you drive, you will have to look to the side and to the back as well, but most of the time, you have to look in the front.
If you only keep looking at the side mirrors while driving, you will meet with an accident. So you should look front, but sometimes look at the side mirrors, and sometimes at the rearview mirror. Look a little at the past and the future, but most of the time be in the present.
What do you say?
Time has come, voices of the good people will become stronger now.
All those people who are doing bad things will come to light and their minds will change. Waves of spirituality will start transforming people. This is going to happen in the coming years. This wave will become much more predominant.
Those people who are cheating others, they will all come down from their seats of power, and then they will be exposed. People who are cheating others will be exposed, this will happen.
So, good times are there in front of us.

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