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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why should I meditate?

What is the use of meditation for young people? This is a question many ask. Do you want to develop in to an all round personality? Then meditation is a must to be happy, healthy, compassionate, humorous, and loveable. All these human qualities blossom through meditation. Ok meditation has got 3 rules. 

The first rule is:
1) I don't want anything... how is it possible when I want better job, grades in school, family and prosperity? Only for next 10 minutes say “I want nothing”.
Can you say that? Remove your wants like a cap & keep it on the side. Just for 10 minutes

And then
2) I do nothing: When a scholar came to Lord Buddha, HE said just relax, become hollow & empty.
I do nothing for next 10 minutes. I don’t concentrate on anything, don’t focus mind on any thoughts: good thoughts, bad thoughts let them come & pass. I do nothing.

Neither I welcome thoughts nor do I resist thoughts.

And the 3rd rule is
3) I am nothing
For next few minutes, put off the label of being student, corporate, male, female…anything. 

Now let’s meditate. -Sri Sri

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